“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson is comparable to the theme concept that it can be acceptable to require the individual to sacrifice for the greater good. In the olden days of Indian's and other cultures like; the Holy war, the salon witch trials and some native tribes. they all would do sacrifices just to keep the fear of the unknown and the hope of great fortune alive in their society. the lottery story is not much different, "Guess we better get started, get this over with, so's we can go back to work." this quote from Mr. Summers shows that they want to get it over and move on without regret and to keep the tradition alive. another quote from the book is, "Seventy-seventh years i been in the lottery," this shows that they have kept the tradition alive for that long. the story doesn't stop till the village people draw a winner which in turn is ironic because the winner gets killed by stones.
In society we keep traditions alive in our own way in the Africa some tribes keep the ways of their ancestors by killing each other and taking their body parts as a symbol of victory. The best modern day example of sacrifice is when children bully others for attention or to feel big. the person that is being picked on is like the winner in the lottery story. they both get beaten by a symbolic object for the story the women got stoned and for the child it could vary from verbal to physical harm. either way both are victims of tradition that needs to either change or drastically improve.
I relate this lottery story to the story of lord of the flies the boys stranded on a island go primal and start killing one another for survival and to keep order in the society. my question for the author is this what was her motivation to write this and did she feel like the women in the lottery at the end picked and sculled for her work?
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Charlotte the doctor page of interest.
Charlotte Perkins Gilman Single
I just got out of work heading home with high emotions drained.
I am so looking forward to going to the comfort of my house.
I just got out of work heading home with high emotions drained.
I am so looking forward to going to the comfort of my house.
Charlotte is now friends with Brittney Toller
Charlotte commented on Henry's new babe boy and she hopes that he is well. she wants to have a kid soon but is finding hard to find the time.
I feels down today because the sick aren't getting better and she doesn't know what to do?
Henry and Brittney sympathize with Charlotte and wishes her pokes of love.
Charlotte likes this
I find this awesome site to help make her smile and hopes that it spreads to my patients.
I love these comics they made me laugh so hard that i go to work with a smile and keep it all day remembering the funny things this cat does to win a game.
Sharry agrees with Charlotte that these are so funny.
The last thing i will post is that work is getting better but i still am trying to find help and a new location.
----- Why? Brittney
----- I want too Charlotte
----- We will miss you :( we love you Brittney.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
"Girl" Imitation
Living in a small town with a limited population of people. At an early age they expect young boys to act the same at home and out side with the town. Boys are veered to the town as a young father. When taught you either get it once or get out of town. Boy look at your posture you look like a troll under a bridge. When sitting in a chair be upright and forward, no slouching, no sleeping and no eye turning. Boy sit up look at me when i speak to you. When you spit your liquid out aim for the trees or any nature close to you. When approached by the opposite sex you will smile and say "Hello miss." do you have that? If a girl advances on you stay calm and ask how they are and what they want from you. Most girls in this town want protection or a person of comfort. You may protect them but watch yourself too. At school listen to your teachers they are the in ring parent of the building or room that you sit in. After school you will walk safely home with two or more friends. The friends you walk home with must live at least a block or three away from our house. If you get hurt, don't cry in-front of others do it here where you can be shamed by no one. Every Monday when you get home from school i want homework done, choirs finished before the evening draws breath in this house. When it's time for bed your mother or i will read you a story and tell you your doing great at being our boy. On Tuesday i want the same thing done except you don't have to finish any choirs you didn't finish Monday You will continue this routine until Saturday on this day you have our permission to go and have fun. We ask to let us know where you are and what you are doing so in case of emergence you can hustle back to the house to tend to the house. As our son you are responsible for keeping watch over the house while we are away. You may not have anyone except family or approved friends over at these times. Boy we trust you with everything and we hope that you are safe at home while we are gone. You can always call us if your in danger or feel unsafe.
Now my boy we wish to say we love you and we teach you these things for the future.
We love you our son.
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